Compliance Services
ENCOS, Inc. has been continuously working in Compliance Services since 1994, initially completing groundwater projects under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 (RCRA). Over the course of 24 years, ENCOS’s Environmental Compliance Division has broadened its scope to include Hazardous Waste Permitting, Groundwater Sampling and Maintenance, Industrial Hygiene (IH), Infrared (IR) Imaging Services, Ultrasonic Leak Detection, Process Safety, and Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR).
The mission of ENCOS is to dedicate ourselves to providing the highest quality regulatory compliance and data collection services. Our goal is to develop and sustain lasting relationships based on confidence in our technical competence and integrity while striving to set the industry standard for client service and client relations.
Fugitive Emissions Monitoring/Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR)
The Fugitive Emissions Monitoring/LDAR services provided are designed and operated to keep your company in compliance with applicable Federal, State and Local regulations. Compliance remains our main focus and to accomplish this, there are a few things that have to be done. Compliance is more than just monitoring and reporting. A higher quality program is accomplished by using highly trained ENCOS personnel who can evaluate your program on a daily basis and by establishing LDAR Awareness Training for your Operations and Maintenance Department to address compliance issues that usually go undetected until audited.
Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR)
ENCOS’s LDAR Division, established in 1999, has developed a qualified team of environmental specialists providing expertise in this field utilizing state of the art technology and database management tools. Site-specific experience coupled with institutional knowledge are the cornerstone of the ENCOS team conducting LDAR operations at multiple petrochemical facilities across Texas, Louisiana, Alabama, and the Gulf of Mexico. In addition to maintaining an adaptive body of quality compliance services, ENCOS has successfully navigated numerous EPA, DEQ, and 3rd Party Audits through extensive knowledge of LDAR applicable Federal and State regulations. Employing time-tested methodologies and progressive efficiency planning in a committed effort of continuous improvement has resulted in proven Environmental Regulatory Compliance programs for all of ENCOS’s clients. MORE...
Groundwater Monitoring
ENCOS is experienced in every aspect of groundwater monitoring and remediation. Our efforts have significantly reduced client costs and environmental risks.
- Groundwater sampling and analysis plans
- Statistical analysis of groundwater data
- Groundwater sampling and monitoring
- Groundwater flow, elevation, and quality determination
- Potentiometric surface/plume map preparation
- Groundwater recovery and treatment system Operation & Maintenance (O&M)
- Preparation of groundwater monitoring reports
Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR) Audits
ENCOS is a multidisciplinary environmental service company with a diverse Staff of LDAR environmental professionals. Our experience gives us the capability to perform comprehensive environmental LDAR regulatory audits and provide the client with a valuable concise report of findings with recommendations. These value-added audits provide professional insight to the client’s environmental performance and reduce the environmental risk and liability once audit findings are addressed and corrected. ENCOS employees can also assist with LDAR audits performed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), State Environmental Agencies, or Local Government Inspectors.
Piping and Instrumentation Diagram

In order for ENCOS to ensure applicable equipment is properly identified, Process Flow Diagrams (PFD’s) and/or Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams (P&ID’s) should be utilized in assisting with stream applicability as required by applicable LDAR regulations. Facility stream identifications will be verified by Facilities Unit Engineer. Applicable streams on P&ID’s will be highlighted/color-coded to indicate process state, either gas/vapor, light liquid, or heavy liquid. If the facility has completed this process, ENCOS will review to ensure accuracy.
ENCOS will also require a copy of all applicable equipment currently identified in the LDAR Program. Once ENCOS has a obtained the list of all applicable equipment and verified the marked/color-coded P&ID’s, a review of the Facility’s existing tagging system will be initiated. Any non-applicable LDAR equipment located during the verification process will be documented on the color-coded P&ID’s and be re-designated in the database. Likewise, any applicable LDAR equipment discovered will be identified, documented, and added to the database. Those components that are properly tagged and identified will be reviewed and verified in the existing database for accuracy.
This review should be completed prior to any scheduled monitoring to ensure all regulated components are properly identified and scheduled for monitoring. Monitoring may begin immediately following this review.
Product Loss Survey
In order for ENCOS to ensure applicable equipment is properly identified, Process Flow Diagrams (PFD’s) and/or Piping and Instrument Diagrams (P&ID’s) should be utilized in assisting with stream applicability as required by applicable LDAR regulations. Plant streams should be analyzed for VOC and/or OHAP content and reviewed by a facility engineer. Applicable streams on P&ID’s should be highlighted/color coded as to process state, either gas/vapor, light liquid, or heavy liquid. If the facility has already completed this function and has marked P&ID’s on file, ENCOS will review color-coding to ensure accuracy.
ENCOS will also require a copy of all applicable equipment currently identified in the LDAR Program which can be provided electronically or hardcopy. Once ENCOS has a copy of all applicable equipment and has reviewed the marked/color coded P&ID’s, a review of the facility’s existing tagging system will be completed. Any equipment located during this review and determined not to be in regulated stream on the color coded P&ID’s will be removed from the database, and documented and the tag will be removed. Any equipment found to be a regulated stream but not identified will be tagged, added to the database as new equipment, and scheduled for monitoring. Existing LDAR tagging will be utilized for this review and setup. Those components that are properly tagged and identified will be reviewed and checked against the existing database for accuracy and any discrepancies will be corrected at this time.
This review should be completed prior to any scheduled monitoring to ensure all regulated components are properly identified and scheduled for monitoring. Monitoring can begin immediately following this review.
Perimeter Mointoring
ENCOS has the capabilities, personnel, and the hands on experience to
provide turnkey Perimeter Monitoring for various chemicals and particulate
matter. Once installed, areas can be remotely monitored for chemicals during
accidental releases or a notification can be sent out should a release be
Services include but are not limited to:
• Perimeter (Fence Line) Monitoring Plan Development
• Air Monitoring Equipment Specifications
• Equipment Procurement
• Equipment Leasing
• Monitor Station Installation
• Monitor Station Operation & Maintenance
• Automated Suma Canister Sampling
• Analytical Services Management
• Real-Time Data Collection and Data Management
• Continuous Emission Testing
• Compliance Reporting
• Automated Meteorological Station Installation, Operation, and Maintenance
ENCOS is familiar with the Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Stations (PAMS) and the State Implementation Plan (SIP). ENCOS is currently using similar equipment and methodologies in the collection of Hydrographic, Water Quality, and Meteorological data for the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources Coastal Restoration Division. This data is being used in the development of complex Hydrologic Models to aid in Louisiana’s Coastal Restoration efforts. In addition, ENCOS has direct air monitoring experience within the industry.