Multiparameter Display System
Log real-time data, calibrate YSI 6-Series sondes, set-up sondes for deployment, and upload water quality data to a PC with the feature-packed YSI 650MDS (Multiparameter Display System). Designed for reliable field use, this display and data logger features a waterproof IP-67, impact-resistant case.
Battery Life With the standard alkaline battery configuration of 4 C-cells, the YSI 650 will power itself and a YSI 6600 sonde continuously for approximately 30 hours. Or, choose the rechargeable 120 v battery pack (YSI Part # 6113) option with quick-charge feature. Optional Barometer Temperature-compensated barometer readings are displayed and can be used in dissolved oxygen calibration. Measurements can be logged to memory for tracking changes in barometric pressure.
Optional GPS Interface Designed to NMEA protocol, the YSI 650MDS will display and log real-time GPS readings with a user-supplied GPS interfaced with YSI 6-series sondes.
Memory Options:
Standard memory will allow for approximately 150 data sets. Exact logging capacity is dependent on the number of active parameters in the 6-series sonde. Optional high memory (1.5 mB) would make it possible to easily upload the data from 7 sondes, each of which have data files of approximately 75 days at a 15-minute sampling interval.

•Compatible with EcoWatch® for Windows® data analysis software
•User-upgradable software from YSI’s website
•Menu-driven, easy-to-use interface
•Multiple language capabilities
•Graphing feature